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Stem Cell Therapy Side Effects: 7 Ways To Minimise The Risk

The stem cell therapy side effects after hair restoration is the most concerning issue for candidates. It is legit because one should always know what can be the adverse effects of any treatment. Like any other hair therapy, stem cell treatment also has some short-comings that if ignored can cause detrimental effects. However, with the proper guidelines and following the post-treatment instructions delivered by the specialist you can reverse these short-comings and enjoy the results after a stem cell therapy. In this blog we will give you the insights on the top 7 ways to minimise the risk of the stem cell therapy side effects. 

An Overview of Stem Cell Therapy For Hair 

Before we explain the side effects let us first give you an introduction to stem cell hair treatment. Stem cell therapy is a recently launched regenerative hair growth treatment. Its aim is to fight with the hair loss and induce new growth of hair follicles. Unlike the conventional hair transplant methods that use the technique of extracting a follicle from the donor site and replacing it on the other, stem cells for hair are totally different.  The therapy for stem cells utilizes only the placement of stem cells in an injection at the scalp. The treatment is gaining significant popularity because of its non-surgical technique. Candidates experiencing hair thinning, bald patches or complete hair loss can gain the benefits of stem cell hair therapy.

The Indications Of Stem Cell Therapy For Hair

  • Male and female pattern alopecia: Androgenetic alopecia is a type of baldness that can affect male and female both… 
  • Medical treatments leading to hair loss: Many medications and treatments like chemotherapy often cause the shedding of hair. Stem cell therapy serves as a very good option for such patients. 
  • For damaged hair follicles: If you have hair thinning or very weak hair follicles then stem cells therapy can serve to be a great hair follicle stimulator. 

 The Side Effects

  • Bruising at the site of injection 
  • Moderate to severe irritation 
  • Temporary hair shedding 
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Scars at the site of the treatment 

7 Ways To Minimise The Risk Of Stem Cell Therapy Side Effects

  • Choosing the experienced and qualified specialist: The most prime and effective way to reverse the stem cell therapy side effect is to choose a qualified and highly experienced specialist. Since they have proper certification and the right expertise required for delivering stem cell therapy treatment there are less chances to have any side effects.
  • Undergoing proper initial screening: Before your treatment for stem cell hair restoration, it is advisable to go for a proper screening. With proper early screening, the chances of adverse reactions become less. This is because the candidate will know what things he or she needs to avoid after the treatment. 
  • Taking care of scalp hygiene: If you keep your scalp clean and free from bacterias, it will limit the rate of infections. Try cool compression to prevent inflammation. Moreover, specialists recommend refraining from using heating appliances or any other hazardous chemical in the form of shampoo as they can irritate the scalp. 
  • Keenly following the post treatment care instructions: If you want to reverse the adverse effects of stem cells therapy for hair restoration, then it is very important to follow the post treatment care instructions your specialist has given to you. This includes keeping yourself away from vigorous activities, cleaning their treatment site, keeping yourself away from the sun and taking follow up consultation schedules seriously.
  • Avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption: Tobacco and alcohol have the tendency to interfere with the healing and recovery. They reduce the blood supply and oxygen required for proper healing mechanisms. If you quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption it will help in successful hair growth and minimize the risk of side effects.
  • Proper diet to control stem cell therapy side effects: Eat healthy! If you want the proper recovery and faster success rate then eat healthy. Foods enriched with vitamins, proteins and minerals can help support the overall effectiveness of the stem cell therapy for your hair.
  • Choose secondary treatments: If you want to enhance the results and limit the manifestation of side effects, consider going for complementary or secondary treatments. Choosing stem cell therapy along with PRP for hair collectively will improve the success of new hair growth and will also limit the rate of the side effects.

The Most Important Advice 

Out of all the methods, the most effective way to lower the risk of side effects is to choose a qualified medical professional. It means to choose a certified and highly experienced aesthetician or medical professional who has years of experience in the administration of the treatment. 

Moreover, choosing the right medical centre also reduces the chances of adverse reactions and effects. This is because a well-versed clinic offers personalized treatment plans, make sure to deliver the right post-procedure care, give healthy lifestyle guidelines and choose the right FDA- approved and researched back procedures. This ensures that the candidate receives a safe and high quality treatment.

Note:  The key to minimise the risk of stem cell therapy side effects is to choose the right clinic and the right specialist.


Now that you know the benefits, indications, stem cell side effects and ways to reverse them you can make an informed choice. However, with every great treatment comes some drawbacks. Irritation, swelling, redness and inflammation are all some of the stem cell therapy side effects. Luckily with the proper guidelines and with the choice of the right specialist the side effects of the stem cells can be reduced. At New U Med Spa, Dr. J.M.D is a highly experienced aesthetician offering stem cell hair restoration for years. His strong skill and expertise in delivering treatments make them less prone to adverse reactions. Book your appointment today.

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