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NeoGraft® Hair Transplant

Both women and men want healthy-looking hair, but some cannot seem to grow them and some lose them with time. Healthy hair adds to your personality and makes you look good. So, we at the New U Med Spa offer the perfect solution for people with hair loss, the NeoGraft® procedure! It is a dream come true, and an indeed miraculous treatment option for people who struggle or yearn to get thick, healthy, and great-looking hair.

NeoGraft® is here to save the day for all of you. It is an effective procedure that is directed to restore your hair growth in the most artistically pleasing way.

Neograft hair transplant
Hair transplant procedure

Botox® treatment is the solution for frinkles

NeoGraft® hair transplant procedure is very beneficial. Below are enlisting some common benefits that you can experience through this procedure.

  • The results are highly natural and will make you fall in love with them. Nobody would suspect that you have gone through some procedure to get such great quality hairgrowth. The magic lies in our FUE technology and transplantation skills and techniques.
  • For all those who are worried that they might get life-long scars or stitches following the treatment, our NeoGraft® is nothing of that sort. Our technique ensures that it extracts and transplants the hair follicles in the least invasive way so that there is no need for any stitches or leave any linear scar at all!
  • Last but not the least, NeoGraft® is a highly successful treatment modality that is sure to leave you happy and highly satisfied with the final results.

How does the Neograft® procedure work?

A professional and skilled doctor, Dr. J at the New U Med Spa, promises to execute this procedure with the most possible natural-looking result at a very affordable cost.

Here is a brief overview that will give you an insight into what to expect from this treatment:

  • We won’t be using any manual tools to make any extensive incisions that might put you under stress while thinking about scarring and all that scary stuff!
  • This procedure makes use of the Follicle Unit Extraction, or FUE technique, which works to extract hair follicles from the ‘donor site’. The FUE method to extract the J Graft Hair Transplant is minimally invasive and thus, reduces the risks of any linear scarring.
  • Then the recipient’s site is prepared for the implant. Extreme care is taken to choose the perfect angle and direction so that it looks as if the hair has itself grown naturally instead.
  • Following 5 to 12 months after the surgery, you will notice a visible change in your hair growth.
  • And that’s all about it! You are now ready to flaunt your hairstyle. The results are long-lasting and natural-looking, thanks to Dr. J’s artistry and precision to give you the best results! You can enjoy these benefits permanently as your transplanted hair is going nowhere!

Is the NeoGraft® procedure worth it?

Yes – definitely, it is worth it! There are so many benefits associated with this treatment that you must try this out if you are struggling with hair loss. You can opt for a complementary consultation session with Dr. J at the New U Med Spa where he will guide you in detail about the procedure and how it could benefit you in the long term. Rest assured – you will be in good hands where you and your satisfaction come first always! So, are you ready to flaunt your newly grown hair? Just book an appointment with us at the New U Med Spa and you are good to go!

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Dr. J is an American Board Certified physician

Dr. J is an American Board Certified physician. When considering getting a medical procedure a person takes many things into account but the most important thing they consider is which doctor will they be trusted with their face and body. Dr. J performs this procedure at the New U Med Spa, and let us assure you that with his years of experience and artistic skills this procedure turns out to be a very worthwhile experience for you, which gives you equally promising results in return.

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