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Exosomes Hair Restoration

Hair loss is such an issue that seems to have no end to it. Many people face hair loss seasonally, some face it as a reaction or side effect to any drug or high-level treatment, while others simply have genetic issues linked to their excessive loss of hair. Whatever the cause is, this is a problem that is depressing and worrisome enough to give you sleepless nights in return.
nugrow exosomes hair restoration
hair restoration therapy

Introducing The Nugrow Exosomes Hair Restoration Therapy

But, thanks to the recent advancements in technology and medical sciences, we now have plenty of techniques and procedures that help us reverse our health issues and make life very easy for us! These treatments not only prove to be greatly beneficial for us but also because of their minimally invasive and less extensive natures, are considered to be quite efficient and professional ones.
One such procedure which is performed at the New U Med Spa for the treatment of hair losses and hair growth is the ‘NUGrow Exosomes Hair Restoration Therapy’. This is considered to be a very recent yet highly efficient and perfect means of stopping hair losses.
Now, let’s learn more about it and decide if it really is the perfect treatment for you!

What Are Exosomes & Why Are They So Important?

Okay, we get it – this term sounds foreign to you and you think that this is some sort of chemical or any other thing that is introduced into your bodies; but no. This is not the case.

Exosomes are components of STEM Cell (cells that help different body parts to regenerate and repair themselves), and are much efficient and smarter than them!

Within cells, exosomes are assigned the important function of communication with the adjacent cells while also transporting genetic material and fluid to them. Because of this capability of exosomes, they have also been discovered to help regenerate different body cells in a much better way.

These properties have made exosomes a ‘hero’ and this is the reason why they are employed in various treatments and procedures.

At our clinic, we utilize exosomes in hair restoration therapy in an attempt to repair, regenerate, and bring back the damaged hair follicles to life again so that they may start producing new, healthy, and thick hair.

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What To Expect From This Therapy?

Implement of this treatment is similar like other non-surgical hair restoration treatments. For your convenience, we have summarized the main points of what to expect from this procedure.

  • Exosome injected on certain specified sites on your scalp where we wish to see the results. We do give local anesthesia to make you feel relaxed and numb during the procedure.
  • And that’s all – before you know it, you will be free to go back to your daily routine. A little discomfort or pain is normal, as is experiencing a bit of swelling over the injected area. But this is just temporary and would go away within hours.
  • Exosomes combine their genetic and hormonal potentials and simultaneously work to give rise to new hair follicles and to regenerate and repair the old, worn-out, and almost dead ones.
  • Within 5 to 12 months of the procedure being performed, you will start noticing visible differences in your hair growth. Your hair would be thick and healthy, adding to your appearance and making you appear confident and happier than ever!

Why Should I Opt For This Therapy?

Apart from the fact that the Exosomes Hair Restoration Therapy would help you increase your hair growth, there are also several other benefits that you need to keep in your mind if you want to opt for this therapy. This would help you in easily making up your mind for this therapy:

  • It is a minimally invasive and non-surgical procedure.
  • A very little to no downtime.
  • It is safe and almost free from all kinds of side effects and harmful reactions.
  • It is a way of getting your hair back naturally with lasting effects.
  • It prevents any future hair loss.
  • This procedure has beneficial and promising results – so you don’t need to be worried about seeing results, because you definitely will!

You can always opt for Dr. J at the New U Med Spa to perform this procedure for you. Dr. J is a pro and he always make sure that his patients leave his clinic on a satisfied and happy note!

Hair growth doctor
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Dr. J is an American Board Certified physician

Dr. J is an American Board Certified physician. When considering getting a medical procedure a person takes many things into account but the most important thing they consider is which doctor will they be trusted with their face and body.

Dr. J performs this procedure at the New U Med Spa, and let us assure you that with his years of experience and artistic skills this procedure turns out to be a very worthwhile experience for you, which gives you equally promising results in return.

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