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Best Non Surgical Facelift for Jowls

Top 5 Best Non Surgical Facelift for Jowls

Basically jowls may be caused due to the aging process that is visible along the aging. As we know with the passage of time our skin loses its volume and elasticity. But it varies from person to person and seems different for every person. But in this advanced era of the aesthetic field we have a solution to target the sagging skin without any typical method. There are many treatments but here we define the best non surgical facelift for jowls  to get a natural and youthful appearance in minimum downtime.

If you are finding the way to groom yourself with overall appearance, then there are top 5 best non-surgical face lifts for jowl treatments that help to provide possible solutions as per need.

What are Jowls?

Jowl is basically the sagging skin of the lower part of the chin or jawline. With aging most people observe the sagging skin appearance on the lower part of chin or jawline which seem prominent. And we have the best non surgical facelift for jowls to target the concerns.

What are the Causes of the Jowls?

When your skin or muscles are going to sag or lose and lose their elasticity, it may cause the jowls. There are multiple factors behind this like aging, facial habits, or lifestyle.

We know with aging our skin loses its elasticity and sagging skin appears in various areas of skin but more visible is jowls. It looks different in different peoples, some people observing jowls more than others. It may be due to aging, genetics, sun exposure, weight fluctuation, facial expression, or lifestyle factor. These all are the reasons for the breakdown of the collagen and elastin, which help to keep skin hydrated and plump. Decreasing collagen and elastin production may cause the sagging skin of the chin’s lower part which is known as jowls. But now we have many options  and the best non surgical facelift for jowls is non surgical.

Best Non Surgical Facelift for Jowls Treatments:

There are various treatments introduced by the advanced aesthetic industry but some are the most trending and best non surgical facelift for jowls  among the peoples.

1.  Botox for Relaxing the Muscles:

Botox is one of the most trending treatments that target the sagging skin of the lower part of a chin that is known as a jowl. It helps to relax the muscles by blocking the nerve signals and preventing them from contracting. It is a non-surgical injectable procedure in which a substance is injected into the lower part of the chin and jawline. This treatment is very effective to lift the sagging skin of the jawline and also reduce the jowl’s appearance.

It is a very quick procedure that requires minimum downtime and provides subtle results that can last from 3 to 6 months. It may require some sessions to maintain the results.

2.  Dermal Fillers to Restore Volume Loss:

It is a non-surgical injectable treatment that helps to restore the volume loss and lift the sagging skin. It is a gel-like substance that contains hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance and already present in the body. It is a rich source of moisture and plump to the skin that helps to tighten the skin of the lower part of chin and jawline and reduce the jowl appearance.

It is an injectable procedure that requires minimal downtime to perform and provide optimal results that can last from 6 to 12 months. It is a good option to get a natural and youthful appearance with rejuvenated skin.

3.  Thread Lift to Lifting the Skin:

Thread lift is a procedure in which non-toxic and dissolvable thread is utilized to lift the skin. It is performed with the help of a fine needle that inserts the thread under the skin and helps to lift and tighten the skin of the lower part of chin and jawline. It also stimulates the collagen production that is gradually improving and the result may be more visible slowly over the time.

It is a non-surgical procedure that provides immediate results in minimum downtime that may last from 1 year to 2 years. It is good to get a natural and younger appearance with fresh and rejuvenated skin.

4.  Ultherapy Skin Tighten Treatment:

It is a non-surgical treatment that is done by ultrasound energy deep within the skin of the lower part of the chin and helps to stimulate collagen production. This collagen helps to provide moisture and elasticity to the skin and restore the sagging volume and provide tightening. It also helps to improve skin texture and skin tone which is gradually improving slowly.

It is focused on ultrasound energy that requires minimum to no downtime and provides long-lasting results that may last up to a year.

5.  Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments for Tighten Skin with Heat:

It is a heat sourced treatment that helps to stimulate the collagen production deep in the specific skin of the lower part of chin and jawline. This collagen production provides moisture and plump to the skin and helps to tighten the skin and improve elasticity.

It is a non-surgical treatment that requires a short time to be treated in less discomfort and provide long term results that can last for a few months. It is a better way to get rejuvenated skin with a natural and younger appearance.

Best Non Surgical Facelift for Jowls with Benefits and Risk:


  • Non-surgical.
  • Minimum downtime.
  • Fast recovery.
  • Immediate results.
  • Long-lasting.
  • Customize treatment.
  • Natural and youthful appearance.


  • Swelling.
  • Bruising.
  • Redness.
  • Discomfort or less pain.
  • Infection.
  • Allergic reaction.

Concluded Thoughts:

The best Non surgical facelift for jowls are very effective for those who are suffering from sagging skin of the lower part of chin and jawline. There are multiple options available to be treated but it is chosen as your concern. There is a need for a good consultant, who can suggest a better option to counter your concern of jowl and help to get desirable results as per need.

We have many non-surgical options to restore sagging skin and elasticity like, Botox, dermal fillers, thread lift, laser, Ultherapy, or radiofrequency (RF) treatment. These all are helpful to get tight skin and flexible skin with a natural and younger appearance and also transform your overall look.

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